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Why End-User Security Awareness Training is Key During Vacation Season

Written by Emma Kirk | May 20, 2024

As the summer season approaches, many of us look forward to vacations and a well-deserved break from our daily routines. However, this change in routine can often lead to lapses in our usual security practices, particularly in how we manage our digital information. During these times, end-user security awareness training can prove most valuable, safeguarding individuals and their organizations from potential cyber threats.

Vacation times pose unique cybersecurity risks. The risks are everywhere, from unsecured public WiFi networks at airports and cafes to the temptation to check work emails on potentially compromised hotel computers. Phishing attacks, for instance, often spike during holiday seasons as cybercriminals take advantage of distracted users.

End-user security training involves educating employees and individuals about cyber threats, including phishing, malware, and unsafe network practices. The training aims to familiarize users with the signs of a security breach and the steps they can take to mitigate these risks. Effective training should cover the following: 

  • Secure password practices and authentication methods. 
  • Recognizing and avoiding phishing emails and scam websites. 
  • Best practices for using public WiFi and securing personal devices. 

Consider this: Research by Stanford University indicates that 88% of data breaches are caused by human error, pointing out the sophisticated tactics employed by cyber-criminals to exploit human vulnerabilities. During holidays, when vigilance may wane, the risk increases.

Security Awareness Training is a critical tool in your toolkit for ensuring your users are making the right security decisions, regardless of where they are working or vacationing. It's not a one-and-done scenario; continuous training is essential.

Organizations should consider implementing interactive training sessions that simulate phishing attacks for a hands-on learning experience. Regular refreshers, especially before peak vacation times, can help keep security practices top of mind.

Developing a routine security training program is not just about addressing the immediate risks; it's about cultivating a culture of security within the organization. Training should be continuous, adaptive, and responsive to the latest cyber threats.

As we plan our summer getaways, it's crucial not to leave our security awareness behind. Companies must step up their efforts to provide comprehensive end-user security training. Remember, an informed user is your first line of defense against cyber threats.

Don't know where to start? Reach out, and we'll help you get started with a security awareness program – before you have an incident. 



Many IT pros don't know where to start when it comes to creating a security awareness training program. Learn more about our End-User Security Awareness Training and we can help you train your users through a single integrated platform - enabling your users to make smarter security decisions everyday.