Run Around In Circles

Our big monthly webinar is on Thursday this week, and we're diving deep into the weeds of Windows 365 vs Azure Virtual Desktop. It's not a death-match, though, because hopefully we'll be able to show that each has its place and purpose. Sign up and learn how to leverage the right tool for the right job!

Oh and I'm super excited to be able to present native Azure AD Join, Microsoft hosted network connections, and localized first-run experience, all of which should reach 100% global deployment (in public preview) this week.

MicrosoftTeams-image (12)-2

No On-premises network connection required! No AD means cloud-native users can play Windows 365 Enterprise!

In the meantime, though, there have been other awesome bits and bots that need to be addressed. Like local time being surfaced in Teams contact cards: 

MicrosoftTeams-image (13)

How cool is that?

The Internet has been awash in rumors that Microsoft is seeking to acquire Mandiant. I'm not usually much for acquisition rumors, but that would be a pretty awesome consolidation of IR firepower. 

Terry Johnson informed us last week that Azure Site Recovery points now go back 5 times farther than before, up to 15 days now. That's huge when users are slow to report issues, like over vacations or long weekends.

Remember last year when Microsoft was screaming from the rooftops about enabling passwordless authentication for MS accounts? Kinda lost in that messaging (and kinda on purpose) was that it didn't apply to Azure AD accounts. Well now it (kinda) does, with the public preview of Azure AD Certificate-Based Auth (AAD CBA). SmartCards in the cloud! No AD FS required! It's a start, and I really hope to see more movement around other passwordless Azure AD options very soon.

